Tuesday, March 21, 2006

9 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

By Charles lightwalker
Location: Spokane WA

9 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

Intuition is often called, the "inner voice," which is something all successful people - consciously or unconsciously - listen to. The following strategies will help you hone your intuitive abilities to assist you in making better decisions for your life:
1. What Does Your Intuition Tell You?
Your intuition can contribute "quick and ready" insight. Too often we discount the role of intuition in decision-making. Begin to pay close attention to what your intuition is telling you; it could lead directly to positive changes in your life.
2. How Does Your Intuition Communicate With You?
Each of us has a predominant form in which we receive intuitive information. It may come through feelings, images, body sensations (gut feelings) or through your thoughts. When you are making a decision, pay special attention to all of these ways that your intuition communicates with you.
3. Ask Your Intuition For Help
Many people believe that intuition comes completely unbidden. I have found that when you ask your intuition for additional insight it will respond with answers. Ask, "What should I do in this situation?" or "What do I need to know about this?" Remember you may get the answers from a variety of sources including feelings, words, physical sensations, and images.
4. Act On the Information You Receive
Developing your intuition is like learning any new skill. It's not unlike learning an athletic ability. The more you practice, the better you get at it. If using your intuition is new for you, it may be best to use it in relatively low-risk situations at first. This will help you develop your intuitive muscles.
5. You May Not Receive the Answer Immediately
If you don't understand something, ask for clarification. It is possible to get your guidance in dreams, for instance. Many people ask for intuitive guidance during a meditation and don't receive information immediately. You may find that the insight you desire will come seemingly unbidden at some point later in the day while you're involved in other tasks.
6. Learn to Take Small Steps
Most of us feel quite anxious when making big changes in our lives. We're afraid we'll make a mistake that we'll later regret. I've found that taking small steps towards a decision works great. You may find, as many do, that as you take those small steps, the decision becomes clearer, your resolve becomes stronger and the fear begins to lessen.
7. Write Down the Guidance You Receive
Whenever you're facing a tough decision, write about it in a journal you keep for this purpose. Always jot down what your intuition is communicating. What feelings do you have about this decision? What images come to mind? Are there any body sensations that indicate a good or bad decision? Is there a still, quiet, inner voice that informs you? It's helpful to look back at this journal from time to time to see how accurate your guidance was. Did you trust the information you received? Did you act on its wisdom?
8. Don't Forget to Use Your Left Brain
Remember to use your logical mind in this process as well. There needn't be competition between the intuitive and the logical mind. Your left-brain logical side can help you find out facts and assist you with details of your decision. Your intuitive mind, or right brain, simply adds another level of information often described as, "I know, but I don't know how I know."
9. Remember to Forgive Your Self
Forgiving yourself for your past shortcomings, will strength your intuitive nature, and allow you to be for present with your emotional state of well being when making important decisions.

Charles Lightwalker is a Metis shaman, author, medical intuitive, and healer. For more information call Charles at 509-389-7290 or visit the web site: www.thefamilyoflight.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great article on psychic perception. I did find reading it extremely useful. I like to keep updated on all things tarot, astrology, and clairvoyant.

2:30 PM 

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