Tuesday, March 21, 2006

9 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

By Charles lightwalker
Location: Spokane WA

9 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

Intuition is often called, the "inner voice," which is something all successful people - consciously or unconsciously - listen to. The following strategies will help you hone your intuitive abilities to assist you in making better decisions for your life:
1. What Does Your Intuition Tell You?
Your intuition can contribute "quick and ready" insight. Too often we discount the role of intuition in decision-making. Begin to pay close attention to what your intuition is telling you; it could lead directly to positive changes in your life.
2. How Does Your Intuition Communicate With You?
Each of us has a predominant form in which we receive intuitive information. It may come through feelings, images, body sensations (gut feelings) or through your thoughts. When you are making a decision, pay special attention to all of these ways that your intuition communicates with you.
3. Ask Your Intuition For Help
Many people believe that intuition comes completely unbidden. I have found that when you ask your intuition for additional insight it will respond with answers. Ask, "What should I do in this situation?" or "What do I need to know about this?" Remember you may get the answers from a variety of sources including feelings, words, physical sensations, and images.
4. Act On the Information You Receive
Developing your intuition is like learning any new skill. It's not unlike learning an athletic ability. The more you practice, the better you get at it. If using your intuition is new for you, it may be best to use it in relatively low-risk situations at first. This will help you develop your intuitive muscles.
5. You May Not Receive the Answer Immediately
If you don't understand something, ask for clarification. It is possible to get your guidance in dreams, for instance. Many people ask for intuitive guidance during a meditation and don't receive information immediately. You may find that the insight you desire will come seemingly unbidden at some point later in the day while you're involved in other tasks.
6. Learn to Take Small Steps
Most of us feel quite anxious when making big changes in our lives. We're afraid we'll make a mistake that we'll later regret. I've found that taking small steps towards a decision works great. You may find, as many do, that as you take those small steps, the decision becomes clearer, your resolve becomes stronger and the fear begins to lessen.
7. Write Down the Guidance You Receive
Whenever you're facing a tough decision, write about it in a journal you keep for this purpose. Always jot down what your intuition is communicating. What feelings do you have about this decision? What images come to mind? Are there any body sensations that indicate a good or bad decision? Is there a still, quiet, inner voice that informs you? It's helpful to look back at this journal from time to time to see how accurate your guidance was. Did you trust the information you received? Did you act on its wisdom?
8. Don't Forget to Use Your Left Brain
Remember to use your logical mind in this process as well. There needn't be competition between the intuitive and the logical mind. Your left-brain logical side can help you find out facts and assist you with details of your decision. Your intuitive mind, or right brain, simply adds another level of information often described as, "I know, but I don't know how I know."
9. Remember to Forgive Your Self
Forgiving yourself for your past shortcomings, will strength your intuitive nature, and allow you to be for present with your emotional state of well being when making important decisions.

Charles Lightwalker is a Metis shaman, author, medical intuitive, and healer. For more information call Charles at 509-389-7290 or visit the web site: www.thefamilyoflight.com

Friday, March 17, 2006

Our Aura As Our Energy Field

By Rebecca Anne Locicero
Location: Connecticut

Our Aura As Our Energy Field

As you grow knowing and learning about the important functions of molecules and atoms, you also learn about energy fields. Our Aura’s are our Energy Fields. We as humans are put together in such a way that our soul, body and mind all work together. It is a mind, body, and soul connection.
The Aura has been proven to be real by many scientists. Do your Research and learn about it. These energy fields are the super works of our being. They hold all that is, was, and is going to be. The hole personality, intuition and many other portholes of energy.
Some feel Aura’s; some can see the colors in an Aura. You can heal, explore and meditate around your own aura. I feel auras. I am see them sometimes if I focus on someone. Everyone and everything living has an aura. Animals tend to be very colorful just a plants glow huge when treated well.
The aura reflects your human body as much as your human body reflects itself in your aura. For this reason I believe that your aura can change it’s colors at random moments. Although I do believe that someone is born with a color that is a vase color to the aura and that this color represents part of that souls purpose in this particular lifetime.
Your aura is different then your Chakras although I believe your aura is made up of the reflections of all the energies working within you. Your Chakras, your heart, your thoughts and your physical feelings are all reflected in some way in your aura. The possibilities of what someone might see when looking are endless.
Now Know, I do not always see colors myself. I know when I have stepped into or tapped psychicly into someone’s aura. I feel it more by interpretation of my psychic thoughts. It is part of the tools that I use when doing a reading. I feel the colors may or may not be accurate per each personality. The colors are though a great tool to use as a base of knowledge. Once you come around to someone’s personality that does not match the aura color they wear, then you have to consider the fact that it is something else. It could be the energy of a spirit or guide with them. Just be sure to look deeper then the color. You may be surprised at what you see.


The First direct color that you should see and will most likely see is white. This may not be in their aura. This is the connection point between your physical body and the energy that comes from it. Where the body is called the Physical, this white line of connection all around us is also called the Etheric Body. This is a very important part of us as it helps to flow all this energy evenly and appropriately to and from our body and aura and in-between.
The Astral part of the Aura: This part of the aura is the next closest to the body and carries with it your color since birth. This is a large area of energy. It holds all you have done so far on this earth. The next level out is the Mental area or the aura. These areas are filled with a more intuitive area of thoughts and images. Things you consider ideas or thought not your own yet. The final area of your aura is the Spiritual. I often see your guides or loved ones connected to an aura in this area. It is an area that readily receives and sends insight.
The information on these colors and the way they that lay from the body out has come to me from many books, articles, teachers, and personal experience combined. All of these resources basically describe the same definitions as I do here. Please, Do Your Research on your own and learn more about auras.

White: Protection, Purity, Wholeness, Goodness. Not to be confused with the white etheric glow between body and aura.

Hot Pink: Love, Affection, Attraction
Dull Pink: Needy

Orange: Self-Awareness, Courage, Pride.

Brown: Not self confident, Needs attention, Confusion, Discouraged.

Purple: Intuitively gifted, Wisdom, Confident, Focused on mentally advancing, Balance with self and others.
Dark Purple: Intuitive teachers, Psychicly helping others.

Blue: Dedication, Aware of life’s paths, Working for more in life, Spiritual quest.
Indigo Blue: All Indigo Children glow in this bright blue. Listen to these children. The color represents a fully psychic child. Their knowledge is endless. Do your Research. The indigo are the new children on our Earth.
Dull Blue: Unappreciating of Life’s positive energies.

Green: Healing and Health. Ability to Heal with Psychic Energy.
Light Green: Could represent the onset of illness or injury.
Dark Green: Could represent the injury or illness already in the process of healing.

Bright Yellow: Successful, Focused on winning in personal or professional life paths.
Dell Yellow: Jealousy

Red: Anxiety, Fear, Anger or any immediate feeling that consumed the whole body. Red can be one of those colors that are temporary. The Brighter the red the more anxious, the Duller the red, the more angry and confused or hurt. Lightning bolt spikes or shoots of red are sudden shock.

Black: Black can never really be anything to positive. Hate, Depression and leftover unforgiven moments. You can clean this out of your own aura with psychic energy healing and cleansing.

Exercises to see Aura’s:
Have someone wear a black or white shirt and stand in front of a large white area. Do not focus on them as much as you will focus on the areas around them about a foot away.

Take time at night when the lights are out to focus on your hands. You should see them glow. This is a great way to work with energy. It is your aura that you are seeing.

Look at plants and trees. They are also living creatures and they can glow a large aura above them.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Preparing For A Reading

Preparing For A Reading
By Andrew Van Den Hout
Universal Psychic Guild

A psychic reading is an interaction between the psychic reader and client. Your role in bringing forth information is just as important as the reader relaying it.

Before getting a reading it is important to have a relaxed, open mind so real knowledge can emerge. The more open you are, the better.

Having an open mind doesn’t mean that you have to take on every piece of information shared with you. You need to openly discern what feels right for you. But if you go in with a suspicious mind and heart, you will not only restrict the flow of knowledge, but also hinder what you gain from the reading. For example, if you have been hurt in your relationships with other people, you may have developed a protective barrier around your heart and mind. Be conscious of this so as not to let it limit your reading.

Below is a list of steps to follow to ensure you get the most out of your reading.

To do list
Step 1. Choose a time in the day when you will be least likely to be interrupted.

Step 2. Light a candle and sit upright in a chair in front of it. The light of the candle acts as a symbol of clarity and focus. It can help you during your reading to remain focused on the flow between yourself and the psychic

Step 3. Breathe in the light of the candle and breathe out any anxieties you might feel. Repeat this twice.

Step 4. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to get from the reading. eg. I want the knowledge to heal my relationship hurt. Writing down your intention is very important because the psychic will pick up on this and tend to feed it back to you. If your intention is unclear then the psychic's message may be unclear to you.

Step 5. Focus on the candle and imagine it burning away all the preconceived thoughts you might have about your situation or what you are likely to hear.

There is a difference between having an intention and an expectation. An intention is flexible whereas an expectation if not met creates disturbance and frustration for the client. You may have an intention to understand how to heal your relationship problems but having an expectation that the psychic will do that by telling you the date you will get married to your partner may not be the way in which the psychic helps you to do this.

Step 6. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and begin.

In a psychic reading it is important that a client is grounded and aware. Too many airy thoughts and struggles in your mind will not allow the psychic knowledge to take shape in a way that is practical for you.
Following this guide will assist you to getting the most out of your reading.

Remember, the most important thing - Enjoy yourself!

Psychic readings don't have to be heavy and serious. Self-discovery is an empowering experience and will uplift your spirits if you let

Saturday, March 04, 2006


-By Andree

Everyone dreams, but many people do not remember their dreams. Dreams occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when we are in a deep,deep sleep.Dreams are a healing; a chance for our subconscious mind to help us heal our feelings about what has happened in the past or to give us insights into our future and our relationships. We may not remember any dreams for many months, and suddenly one morning there is a vivid dream in our mine, just demanding our attention. Usually that dream is telling us symbolically about something that has occurred or is about to occur that our angels (spirit guides) want us to be alert to.

Dreams are an experience in which we are both the observer and often a participant, and most of our dreams are about ourselves.Usually the friends and relatives in our dreams are symbolic of some aspect of ourselves. Our dreams are a wealth of wisdom, once we understand our own symbology.Symbolically,a person with red hair in your dream will probably have a different meaning to someone else. It depends on the feelings of the experience each person has had with a person with red hair.

To learn to translate your dreams is simple. Put pen and paper beside your bed and as soon as you wake, write down what you can recall, even if it is just a snippet. In a few days you will notice that you are recalling more and more.Start a separate notebook for your own personal symbology, because your symbology will be unique to you. Always ask yourself what you were thinking before you went to sleep the evening before, because that is often a clue to the purpose of the dream.

There are some universal symbols. Water is usually telling you about your spiritual nature, the real you.So what is happening in and around the water in your dream? Is it clear or is it murky? Is it moving fast or slow? Is it a natural flow like a river or is it restricted such as in a pond or swimming pool? Are you swimming upstream against the flow or downstream with the flow? Are there fish? Big or small? One or many? What are they doing?

A car in your dream is usually telling you about the way you are managing your energy or moving through life.Take note of who is driving your car and the condition of your car in the dream. An accident in a dream does not have to happen in real life. It is a warning to slow down.Sometimes there is something in a dream that is eluding us, but we know it is important. That is when a psychic can help because they can help you get to the essence of a dream.Getting to the essence of a dream is that "aaha" feeling - a time when you know that you know, the time when you send a mental thank you to your angels for their guidance via a dream.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

7 Ways To Improve Your Life in 7 Days

7 Ways To Improve Your Life in 7 Days
By Maya Pinion
Location: Sydney

Choose to be Happy Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy.

Make Time for Yourself Too many things to do? Not enough time?
Stop. You need a break. Now. At a minimum take a minute, and do "nothing". Look out the window, daydream, think of something luxurious, think of something good. For yourself. This important little exercise can refresh you and helps to clear your mind.

Take a Breath Take a deep breath, hold it, then let it out. Now do it again. This is an excellent way to reduce tension and stress and only takes a few moments. Do this several times throughout the day. Don't forget to breathe!

Help Someone A simple act of helping someone can make you feel good about yourself. It doesn't have to be a major undertaking.
A smile, a simple compliment, a kind word, telling someone you appreciate them is often all it takes.

Take a Hike Regular exercise is very beneficial to your health and, next to swimming, walking is the single best exercise you can do. It's easy and requires little or no equipment. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes. Every day. This is an excellent way to build stamina, tone muscles and maybe even shed a few of those extra pounds along the way.

Be Grateful Be grateful for the things that you do have. As the old saying goes, "I complained because I had no shoes. Until I met a man who had no feet".

Have a Purpose According to DestinyFinders.com each of us has a unique, special rewarding something we are destined to do in life. A life purpose. Find your life purpose. And live it.

These 7 things can help you improve your life in just 7 days.
They can help you gain more positive control over your life.
They can help boost your self-esteem. Together, they can improve you physically, mentally and spiritually.