Protecting yourself from Non Genuine Readers
By Andrew Van Den Hout
Universal Psychic Guild
There are many people who promote themselves as psychics or clairvoyants, and who claim that their powers enable them to read your character, make contact with your dead relatives, or provide insights into your life and your future. Unfortunately many of them are not the real thing and are doing far more harm than good; here is a simple fool proof way to stop this occurring and to know when you are getting the real thing.
By far the most common method employed by people who are non genuine psychics is called cold reading. This method involves the Non Genuine Psychic reading the subject's body language or voice tonality and style etc, and skillfully extracting information from the subject, which can then be fed back later, convincing the subject that the psychic has told them things they couldn't possibly have known!
The following is my guide to fake reading - Study them well to understand when someone is trying to give you a non-genuine reading.
1. Overconfidence is the first warning sign
If the reader you are dealing with acts in a way that suggests they are beyond reproach and they can do no wrong, then warning bells should start to go off. A psychic is just as human as the rest of us and we can get it wrong from time to time, or misread some of the information. Any challenging questions should be met by the reader with a careful consideration, and either a reaffirmation or a new interpretation given. Please don’t forget that we are dealing with a yet unwritten future here, an ethical psychic will make you aware of what will be if things continue on the same path, and also what your choices are to avert that path if necessary. Remember when we change one thing in our lives they tend to have a ripple effect through time, and our future path can be very different from one moment to the next.
2. Questions about your background are unnecessary
These can provide the non genuine reader with much information about what various subclasses in our society believe, do, want, worry about etc. For example, if they can ascertain a subject's place of origin, educational level, and his/her parents' religion and vocations, they have gained information which should allow them to predict with high probability his/her attitudes and beliefs to many subjects.
3. Questions on Ability
When asked about their gifts a real psychic will list those in a matter of fact way; “I am a psychic and I can share insights on your love life”! The non genuine article will profess modesty about their talents; they will make no excessive claims and attempt a play on emotion “I need you to help me connect as there is a lot around you”. In doing this they will then catch you off guard, and open you up to a helping frame of mind and in turn you will give them all the information they need to feed back to you. A real psychic will state things in a matter of fact way, like it or not, no games of emotion and liking disliking will ever be played.
4. Gaining the subject's cooperation in advance.
NGP’s (non genuine psychics) will emphasize that the success of the reading depends as much on the subject's cooperation as on your efforts, this is not the case; all that is required is for the caller is for them to be in an open frame of mind and focus on the questions they want answers to. NGP’s will often state “that due to difficulties of language and communication, they may not always convey the meaning they intend”. In these cases, they are essentially asking the subject to fit the reading to his/her own life. They accomplish two valuable ends with this dodge - Firstly, they have an alibi in case the reading doesn't click; it's the subject's fault, not the NGP reader! Secondly, you will strive to fit the generalities presented to your specific life circumstances. Later, when you recall the reading, the NGP will be credited with much more detail than they actually provided! Understanding this is crucial, what it means is that the NGP is telling you that your reading will only succeed to the degree that you become an active participant in the reading. The good reader is the one who deliberately creates space for you to search your mind to make sense of the readers statements.
5. Using gimmick questions
NGP’s using gimmick questions serve two valuable purposes. Firstly, it lends atmosphere to the reading. Secondly, (and more importantly) it gives them time to formulate the next question/statement. Instead of the NGP just sitting there, thinking of something to say, you can feed you a question like "do you wish to concentrate on the heart line or the wealth line?" This will cause you to take your focus off of your question you called for and place you in a internal questioning mode, allowing the NGP to not only get you to give them the answer, but to tailor their answers to your statements. The genuine psychic has no need of gimmick questions, a real reading should be a series of statements and nothing more. Now there are a few instances when questions are necessary, the structure of these should be no more than “Can you see or feel how this makes sense to you?” Which the answer should always be “Yes or No, or I require more details”
6. Stock phrases at the tip of their tongue.
Even during a cold reading, a liberal sprinkling of stock phrases will not only add body to the reading; it will help the NGP’s fill in time while they formulate more precise characterizations. For example comments like “Mercury is in retrograde this month and that means that no deals should be signed for anyone!” What does the whole world stop for Mercury? No it doesn’t and if you are calling because your Mom died and you wish to know if she made it through and to say your good byes, then why would you want to know about signing deals. A good reader will stay well away from generalist comments and read specifically for you in the moment.
7. Keep your eyes and ears open
Use your other senses as well. NGP’s size the subject up by observing his/her clothes, jewellery, mannerisms and speech. Even a crude classification based on these can provide the basis for a good reading. Also, watch carefully what you say, your response to statements will enable the NGP to soon learn when they are hitting the mark! When calling especially try to notice if suddenly the reader begins to speak like you in tone and sound, this is called mirroring and matching and is a huge warning sign that you are dealing with the non genuine article. A genuine reader will simply read in their own voice and tone, and provide you with what they see, hear or feel.
8. The technique of fishing.
This is simply a device to get the subject to tell the NGP about his/herself. They will then rephrase what you have told them and feed it back to the you as if they were reading.
One way of fishing is to phrase each statement as question, then wait for the reply. If the reply or reaction is positive, then they turn the statement into a positive assertion. Often the subject will respond by answering the implied question and then some. Later, the subject will forget that he/she was the source of the information! NGP’s turn your statements into questions, they also force you the subject to search his/her memory to retrieve specific instances to fit the NGP’s general statement that has been phrased as a question. A real reader will not question you they will simply obtain information from their senses or guides and pass it directly to you as was intended.
9. Learn to be a good listener.
During the course of a reading you may be bursting to talk about incidents that are brought up. The NGP reader allows the client to talk at will. On one occasion I observed a tealeaf reader. The client actually spent 75% of the time talking. Afterward when I questioned the client about the reading she vehemently insisted that she had not uttered a single word during the course of the reading. The client praised the reader for having astutely told her what in fact she herself had spoken. A good reader will read and all that you are required to do is to listen, and occasionally request more detail.
10. Dramatizing readings
This is a fundamental no in the world of genuine readers. A reading should simply reflect what is being scryed and obtained through the sixth senses, no drama no beefing up. How many people do you know that are suddenly whisked away on a yacht by some wandering billionaire? Not many. NGP’s will try and play on our natural instinct of wanting more and something better. A good reader will empower the caller to find peace and contentment, which will flow through their everyday life enhancing their worldly experience and being in control of their own destiny. So if you want that yacht or that dream person in your life you can manifest it yourself. One caution of this manifestation thing, you may actually have to do something to obtain it.
11. They will always give the impression that they know more than they are saying.
The NGP’s reader, like the quack doctor, always acts as if he/she knows much more. Once they have persuaded you the subject that you know one item of information that you couldn't possibly have known (through previous method points), you the subject will assume that the NGP knows all! At this point, you the subject will open up and confide in them. Loose lips really do sink ships, so keep your mouth shut and your ears open and you will get value for money.
12. Flattery.
Occasionally NGP subjects will protest at being flattered, but they will still lap it up. In such cases, NGP’s will add, "You are always suspicious of those who flatter you. You just can't believe that someone will say something good about you without an ulterior motive". If someone is trying to ply your ear with honey as opposed to reading for you, hang up and try again. Genuine readers don’t need to flatter only to report the truth as given to them.
13. Remember the Golden Rule
NGP’s will always tell the subject what he/she wants to hear! If you have called and are being told exactly what you wanted to hear stop yourself and ask, have I given them this information. Note that generally readings contain a mixture of things you want to hear, things you don’t and things that need to be addressed. The genuine reader will give things as they stand good and bad.
Often people call needing validation for a decision that they have made, in these cases they only seek validation, they want to hear what they are doing is right. In all cases life changing decisions should be carefully weighed and measured, against you as a person and your wants and needs. Now you wouldn’t trust a person of the street to help you make decisions that turn your world upside down, you would however take in to consideration their opinion as another perspective. So please, as with any major decision check what you are being told against your wants, needs and what is really real.
Remember that there is always hope and you can choose to create whatever you want in your life, and although sometimes things seem bad now in another moment you will receive insight that will give you perspective, clarity and inner peace. Remember that there is only now forever, and what you change in this second will echo through your lifetime, so much is invested in our various societies in death (rewards peace etc), I believe that it is our right to have peace and contentment in every moment of our lives and to experience it fully is to let go of the notion that the future is out of our control. As a reader I believe in empowering people to remove the shackles of control of the past and those of the future, to enable them to see how their own destinies are created and how then to make it something they want.
source: Universal Psychic Guild Articles
Universal Psychic Guild
There are many people who promote themselves as psychics or clairvoyants, and who claim that their powers enable them to read your character, make contact with your dead relatives, or provide insights into your life and your future. Unfortunately many of them are not the real thing and are doing far more harm than good; here is a simple fool proof way to stop this occurring and to know when you are getting the real thing.
By far the most common method employed by people who are non genuine psychics is called cold reading. This method involves the Non Genuine Psychic reading the subject's body language or voice tonality and style etc, and skillfully extracting information from the subject, which can then be fed back later, convincing the subject that the psychic has told them things they couldn't possibly have known!
The following is my guide to fake reading - Study them well to understand when someone is trying to give you a non-genuine reading.
1. Overconfidence is the first warning sign
If the reader you are dealing with acts in a way that suggests they are beyond reproach and they can do no wrong, then warning bells should start to go off. A psychic is just as human as the rest of us and we can get it wrong from time to time, or misread some of the information. Any challenging questions should be met by the reader with a careful consideration, and either a reaffirmation or a new interpretation given. Please don’t forget that we are dealing with a yet unwritten future here, an ethical psychic will make you aware of what will be if things continue on the same path, and also what your choices are to avert that path if necessary. Remember when we change one thing in our lives they tend to have a ripple effect through time, and our future path can be very different from one moment to the next.
2. Questions about your background are unnecessary
These can provide the non genuine reader with much information about what various subclasses in our society believe, do, want, worry about etc. For example, if they can ascertain a subject's place of origin, educational level, and his/her parents' religion and vocations, they have gained information which should allow them to predict with high probability his/her attitudes and beliefs to many subjects.
3. Questions on Ability
When asked about their gifts a real psychic will list those in a matter of fact way; “I am a psychic and I can share insights on your love life”! The non genuine article will profess modesty about their talents; they will make no excessive claims and attempt a play on emotion “I need you to help me connect as there is a lot around you”. In doing this they will then catch you off guard, and open you up to a helping frame of mind and in turn you will give them all the information they need to feed back to you. A real psychic will state things in a matter of fact way, like it or not, no games of emotion and liking disliking will ever be played.
4. Gaining the subject's cooperation in advance.
NGP’s (non genuine psychics) will emphasize that the success of the reading depends as much on the subject's cooperation as on your efforts, this is not the case; all that is required is for the caller is for them to be in an open frame of mind and focus on the questions they want answers to. NGP’s will often state “that due to difficulties of language and communication, they may not always convey the meaning they intend”. In these cases, they are essentially asking the subject to fit the reading to his/her own life. They accomplish two valuable ends with this dodge - Firstly, they have an alibi in case the reading doesn't click; it's the subject's fault, not the NGP reader! Secondly, you will strive to fit the generalities presented to your specific life circumstances. Later, when you recall the reading, the NGP will be credited with much more detail than they actually provided! Understanding this is crucial, what it means is that the NGP is telling you that your reading will only succeed to the degree that you become an active participant in the reading. The good reader is the one who deliberately creates space for you to search your mind to make sense of the readers statements.
5. Using gimmick questions
NGP’s using gimmick questions serve two valuable purposes. Firstly, it lends atmosphere to the reading. Secondly, (and more importantly) it gives them time to formulate the next question/statement. Instead of the NGP just sitting there, thinking of something to say, you can feed you a question like "do you wish to concentrate on the heart line or the wealth line?" This will cause you to take your focus off of your question you called for and place you in a internal questioning mode, allowing the NGP to not only get you to give them the answer, but to tailor their answers to your statements. The genuine psychic has no need of gimmick questions, a real reading should be a series of statements and nothing more. Now there are a few instances when questions are necessary, the structure of these should be no more than “Can you see or feel how this makes sense to you?” Which the answer should always be “Yes or No, or I require more details”
6. Stock phrases at the tip of their tongue.
Even during a cold reading, a liberal sprinkling of stock phrases will not only add body to the reading; it will help the NGP’s fill in time while they formulate more precise characterizations. For example comments like “Mercury is in retrograde this month and that means that no deals should be signed for anyone!” What does the whole world stop for Mercury? No it doesn’t and if you are calling because your Mom died and you wish to know if she made it through and to say your good byes, then why would you want to know about signing deals. A good reader will stay well away from generalist comments and read specifically for you in the moment.
7. Keep your eyes and ears open
Use your other senses as well. NGP’s size the subject up by observing his/her clothes, jewellery, mannerisms and speech. Even a crude classification based on these can provide the basis for a good reading. Also, watch carefully what you say, your response to statements will enable the NGP to soon learn when they are hitting the mark! When calling especially try to notice if suddenly the reader begins to speak like you in tone and sound, this is called mirroring and matching and is a huge warning sign that you are dealing with the non genuine article. A genuine reader will simply read in their own voice and tone, and provide you with what they see, hear or feel.
8. The technique of fishing.
This is simply a device to get the subject to tell the NGP about his/herself. They will then rephrase what you have told them and feed it back to the you as if they were reading.
One way of fishing is to phrase each statement as question, then wait for the reply. If the reply or reaction is positive, then they turn the statement into a positive assertion. Often the subject will respond by answering the implied question and then some. Later, the subject will forget that he/she was the source of the information! NGP’s turn your statements into questions, they also force you the subject to search his/her memory to retrieve specific instances to fit the NGP’s general statement that has been phrased as a question. A real reader will not question you they will simply obtain information from their senses or guides and pass it directly to you as was intended.
9. Learn to be a good listener.
During the course of a reading you may be bursting to talk about incidents that are brought up. The NGP reader allows the client to talk at will. On one occasion I observed a tealeaf reader. The client actually spent 75% of the time talking. Afterward when I questioned the client about the reading she vehemently insisted that she had not uttered a single word during the course of the reading. The client praised the reader for having astutely told her what in fact she herself had spoken. A good reader will read and all that you are required to do is to listen, and occasionally request more detail.
10. Dramatizing readings
This is a fundamental no in the world of genuine readers. A reading should simply reflect what is being scryed and obtained through the sixth senses, no drama no beefing up. How many people do you know that are suddenly whisked away on a yacht by some wandering billionaire? Not many. NGP’s will try and play on our natural instinct of wanting more and something better. A good reader will empower the caller to find peace and contentment, which will flow through their everyday life enhancing their worldly experience and being in control of their own destiny. So if you want that yacht or that dream person in your life you can manifest it yourself. One caution of this manifestation thing, you may actually have to do something to obtain it.
11. They will always give the impression that they know more than they are saying.
The NGP’s reader, like the quack doctor, always acts as if he/she knows much more. Once they have persuaded you the subject that you know one item of information that you couldn't possibly have known (through previous method points), you the subject will assume that the NGP knows all! At this point, you the subject will open up and confide in them. Loose lips really do sink ships, so keep your mouth shut and your ears open and you will get value for money.
12. Flattery.
Occasionally NGP subjects will protest at being flattered, but they will still lap it up. In such cases, NGP’s will add, "You are always suspicious of those who flatter you. You just can't believe that someone will say something good about you without an ulterior motive". If someone is trying to ply your ear with honey as opposed to reading for you, hang up and try again. Genuine readers don’t need to flatter only to report the truth as given to them.
13. Remember the Golden Rule
NGP’s will always tell the subject what he/she wants to hear! If you have called and are being told exactly what you wanted to hear stop yourself and ask, have I given them this information. Note that generally readings contain a mixture of things you want to hear, things you don’t and things that need to be addressed. The genuine reader will give things as they stand good and bad.
Often people call needing validation for a decision that they have made, in these cases they only seek validation, they want to hear what they are doing is right. In all cases life changing decisions should be carefully weighed and measured, against you as a person and your wants and needs. Now you wouldn’t trust a person of the street to help you make decisions that turn your world upside down, you would however take in to consideration their opinion as another perspective. So please, as with any major decision check what you are being told against your wants, needs and what is really real.
Remember that there is always hope and you can choose to create whatever you want in your life, and although sometimes things seem bad now in another moment you will receive insight that will give you perspective, clarity and inner peace. Remember that there is only now forever, and what you change in this second will echo through your lifetime, so much is invested in our various societies in death (rewards peace etc), I believe that it is our right to have peace and contentment in every moment of our lives and to experience it fully is to let go of the notion that the future is out of our control. As a reader I believe in empowering people to remove the shackles of control of the past and those of the future, to enable them to see how their own destinies are created and how then to make it something they want.
source: Universal Psychic Guild Articles